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Pain is Beauty (part 1)

Last night Carolyn, Kathy, and I sat in the bathroom for no less than thirty minutes staring at ourselves. We left only once and that was to ask Cate (who was writing a Spanish paper and therefore could not join us in the bathroom) if she thought our lips looked any bigger.

Last night, I bought Wexler's No Injection Lip Plumper because it was on sale and because I was very curious. Not curious enough to try it myself--I forced Carolyn and Kathy to put it on first.

"Does it hurt? What does it feel like? I think your lips are bigger."

It did hurt, kinda. I mean, it was like this annoying tingling feeling that never really faded. The lady had warned us about the feeling. She said it was like when your leg falls asleep but "not the really bad kind." I'm sorry, but every time my leg falls asleep (which is increasingly more often with the mounting Mario Kart addiction) it is the really bad kind. Whatever, lady, it hurts.

And mostly, it was this total and utter awareness of my lips. Like they were leading my body and everything else was following. Here they are, World, My Lips.

And we couldn't stop. We would look at our own, we would look at each other's, we would look at the "before" pictures. And we really couldn't figure out if they were bigger or if it was a placebo effect.

The science behind the product is, afterall, based on "moisture-activated plumping spheres." What the hell is a plumping sphere? While still not sure, you can definitely feel them (it?).

And I swear it makes a difference. Carolyn's lips were probably the most confusing to me. They looked huge, but when I looked at the before picture I couldn't see a difference. But that could be because the angle or the lighting of the picture. And with all the gloss factor everything looks different anyway.

Kathy's were obviously bigger when she smiled wide but normal looking when she was rolling her eyes at me. This was totally deceiving? Were they or weren't they bigger?

Mine? Well, they didn't so much come as a set. My bottom lip plumped right up and out with those spheres and my top lip shrank into oblivion. Seriously, you couldn't even see my upper lip.

All the while we were wondering whether we were making all these differences up. And we couldn't hold a conversation not about the lips. Everything came back to one of three lines:

"I can still feel it!"

"Do my lips look bigger?"


"I really think yours look bigger."

I opted not to try it this morning, I figured all the curiousity might get in the way of my productivity (unfortunately my job doesn't involved standing in front of a mirror for 30 minutes). However, when I was leaving for work Kathy definitely mentioned that my lips look bigger.

So, if you see us, encourage the placebo effect (and the plumping spheres) and compliment our lips.


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Your lips look bigger today Abigail! What's the secret? :)

Now, to go and take the photo I promised...

Ya know, you can rub red hot chili peppers on your lips and get both a red color (from the burn) and swelling (again, from the burn). But big lips yee shall have!!

a) why are there not pictures?

b) you have mario kart? i'm coming over.

a) There are no pictures because I am that insecure about whether or not my lips are or aren't. Especially compared to each other.


b) Bitch, please, of course we have Mario Kart. I must warn you, though, that we all suck equally which results in a lot of bad language and/or violence.

We are bad at Mario Kart. But maybe the bad language will be tempered by the fact that our lips are so huge we can't talk anymore.

Okay, here is one picture. What do you think?

What you failed to mention was the insecent picture taking. Seeing as how my room shares a wall with the bathroom I could hear it all.

"Ok, take a picture of our lips."

"You totally look like Scarlet Johhanson."

"What's with your face. That is not a Scarlet Face"

"Yeah well you look like you are about to eat Scarlet so shut up"

"Don't look at the camera!"

"It's hard my lips hurt."

and on and on

Yeah, so I bought some o' that, but I don't think it does jack. Take that wexler. It don't do jack.

You should get the Goldie Lip Plump. I really think it works...people have commented that my lips appear fuller.

Wow, your lips look huge in that picture.

Cait spelled incessant wrong.

If Heather Nicole needs to play someone who's skilled at Mario Kart, I can come over.

Challenge accepted, Brad.

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