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Drive carefully. And don't forget to fasten your...

Jeni and Bart got married on Saturday. It was beautiful and fun and amazing.

There was a slideshow and a ceremony and a reception and SUCH A GOOD TIME.

And Jeni was so very very happy.

Friday night, before she commented on my blog, she left me a voicemail and she was on her way home from the rehearsal dinner (where they had thrown her in the pool) and she was rattling off to me what they had done that day and what her plan was for Saturday (you know, get married) and I have never heard her sound so happy.

She wasn't stressed or tweaked or crazy. She was happy and Jeni. And that's how she was at the wedding too. It was just perfect because she was just so happy.

She called this morning to tell me that yesterday, determined to see pictures from her wedding, she found some free internet at a library in Maine and got on my flickr. While she's on her honeymoon. I'm so proud of her.

In summary:
She got hitched
Mr and Mrs

She made the tina face
tina face

She danced
first dance

Heather and I got really excited about the cake (standard)
oh man cake

And there were some good dancing times
um, we're a kick ass dance party basically

See all the pictures here.

Read about their engagement here and here.


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This is so sweet....awwwww

Jeni is beautiful and happy. Bart is very cute and happy.
What a lovely time. I cannot believe it's happened. What a joy!

Jeni and Bart you guys are gorgeous and wonderful!

I love these pictures. They make me happy. And yes, the cake does deserve all that excitement (square cakes are amazing, for some reason).

Umm, I just got the title of this post. Very funny.

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