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Dear Jeni,

My desk lamp is so hot right now that I think it's giving me a sunburn. (Not really, don't worry, unless I missed something and I am a rocket scientist and incandescent bulbs do emit UV rays.)(Speaking of UV rays, I haven't been back tanning since you moved, nor admitted to anyone--aside from the people who saw the actual sunburn--our crash course in tanning before the wedding. I've been meaning to go, though, since my "tan" is becoming even more of a joke.)

Sometimes, I instinctively go to tilt the light towards the wall so it won't be in your eyes when you come to tuck me in at night and then I remember that you don't live here anymore. Sometimes I still tilt the light on the off chance you might show up.

Also, I often feel the need to justify the strength of the bulb. Kathy doesn't care--she hasn't even mentioned it. But in the sixty-two times I've almost burnt myself turning it off at night, I hear you in my head scolding me for almost starting a fire with such a hot lamp.

Anyway, just wanted to drop a note saying that it's hard to shake habits you spent years conditioning into me and I'm surprised with how stubborn I am to shaking them. I guess I just love you that much. Or miss you that much.

Regardless, visit soon.

From: Your former roommate


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Hey, the question marks/little boxes are gone from the recent comments thing!

Amanda, you're on crack. I can still see them.

Yeah, well I can see them too.

This story makes me weepy. I remember you two at the Torrey orientation luncheon and the dinner.... two little sweet things. I remember praying with you girls and taking communion. Two little girls....

These muscles relaxants are doing fun things to my heart, btw.

Dude, it is NOT NICE to make someone cry at 5:30 in the morning.

maybe that bulb feels hot b/c its like a 350 watt when the lamp asks for a 45`;)

:) This made me smile, i miss you too, abs!

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