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party hopping

"So which party was the best?"

"Of all three?"

"Yeah, sure, of all the parties you went to today--three, by the way, isn't that many--which was the best?"

"Define best."

"Just answer the damn question."

"Well, I'm going to eliminate party number one because it was with two of my best friends and thus the others don't really stand a chance."

"It was your friends? Then it doesn't count."

"What are we not friends? Does this party not count then? Huh?"

"I'm just saying if your first "party" was "friends only" then in shouldn't count."

"We ATE hot dogs. We went SWIMMING. We CELEBRATED Memorial Day. There was a service pin involved."

"Fine, fine, fine, it was a party but not being counted in the vote. So which party was the best?"

"It's a tough call, since I was given free booze at both (and cookies)... but you weren't at the other party. So I'm going to have to go with this one."

"That's what I thought."


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Booze and cookies?! I can't believe my invitation got lost to that party.

Ooh, Ooh! I was the first party!



Nice one! Did they have cookies the size of a plate? Booze and cookies?! Oh, those green, leafy cookies.

only one thing could top the cookies .....

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