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Does it look like I'm having trouble with my mishapen claw?


If there is one thing I learned from that last post about my hanger escapades it's that you people are totally the people I want to party with.

(And also, that I don't have to blog content anymore. I can blog HANGERS.)

I've received numerous threatening emails and I had a missed call at 7:10 a.m. that really could only be hanger-related. Last night, Elle came over because she wanted to make a hanger video. Hangers are sweeping the nation, I tell you.

And we aren't ones to bow out in the face of attention so I present:

Hanger Video 3: Me, totally sober, buying booze. (With the hanger.)

Hanger Video 4: Hanger at the Albertson's checkout Also, if you pause in the right frame in the 17th second you can see the total sketchball who was in line behind us. He looks like he is undercover in La Mirada gear.


I could watch a million of these hanger videos. Also, please use more country music as background filler. It makes me feel warm inside.

also if you pause the second video at the right moment you can see silas cole, noted fashion photographer, in the next line over.

My procrastination thanks you. If you keep doing these I'm never going to study for finals...

You two sound sooo different to anyone I've heard, down here atleast.

You should have a show called "Hangers, By Demand!" =D Funny shit. I would be hooked! I still find it really weird when Heather says Bitch and I know she is anything but fuming mad. =)

I like how you are sharing your credit card information with the internet in that second video. Say.... can I get some gum out of your purse?? ; )


Links! The Collective

Email Me: abigail.m.schilling [at]gmail[dot]com



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