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Currently Listening

Fallen Down, Michelle Featherstone
Sounds like:
Sarah McLachlan, Tori Amos, Norah Jones, Dido

Her music has been all over the WB and she's definitely my people. I mean I want her to be my people because she did a shoot on One Tree Hill and maybe if we were friends I could be on One Tree Hill too.

Heather Anne, who has taken up educating me on good music, sent me this iTunes-exclusive CD. It's pretty amazing. If you head on over to her MySpace you can hear a couple of the songs. My favorite of that bunch is Coffee and Cigarettes. I think. It's hard to decide.

Then, go look her up on iTunes and buy the album. Then, when she announces her next show we can all go watch.

Coffee and Cigarettes
I gave up coffee and cigarettes
I hate to say it hasn’t helped me yet
I thought my problems would just dissipate
And all my pain would be in yesterday

If you don't want my revenge
don't come around here again
If you don't want consequence
go find yourself another man


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My favorite song on that album is Sweet Sweet Baby. I also like the once called Bitch. I pretty much like any song with the word Bitch in the title.

Good morning.

Pure joy, finding music you like that you didn't know existed previously. I'll check it out. Thanks Abs. :)
I've been thinking of making a compilation CD and sending it out to my blog buddies. I'll probably finish that while preparing for exams. (I get maximum inspiration for such things when I must focus on textbook reading). No, I'm not calling that story The Bloggerhood of the Travelling CD *cringe*

Aakanks, did you just say Bloggerhood? Cause that's awesome.

WOWWY - excellent voice and music.

Is this the new "Hood"? (Abigail, are you cringing thinking I'm trying to be cool and it's NOT working?)

I am continually amazed that a girl from India, matriculating at an Australian University, sounds just like you guys. Hi Aakanksha!

I still have to check the music out. It is high on my To-Do-List.

Hehe, the new Hood, oh yeah!
Heather Anne, I like the term Bloggerhood. I just didn't like saying The Bloggerhood of The Travelling CD. ^_^

Sally, why does that amaze you? After coming across the girls of the unit, good old Heather A, Kelly, Jenn and all, I came to the conclusion there are people a little similar to me everywhere, I just haven't met them! Although, maybe I'm a discrepancy in the code. ;)

Ah, you should ask Heather Anne who has been educating her on good music.

I'd feel a lot more conviction in this had I not spelled educating with two 'i's and no 'u's the first time around.

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