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My Week in Pictures

Oh, Los Angeles
Oh, Los Angeles

Andrew McAlpine
Andrew McAlpine

And the Monster was christened with chocolate-covered strawberries, amen.
And the Monster was christened with chocolate covered strawberries amen.

I totally know the chick in the middle
I totally know that chick in the middle

Lafon hearts raisins
Lafon Hearts Raisins

So does Creepy Raisin Man
Creepy Raisin Man


Sadly, this was the only time I cooked this week
I totally cooked this week

Shifty Cubed
Shifty Cubed

Patrick Pugly Wugly
Patrick Pugly Wugly

Speaking at his level
Speaking at his level

These eggs are from a real chicken (you know, in Temecula, you know, slogan: we have wigwams)
From a chicken (IRL)


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jodie sawyer is totally jealous of my turnout in that first pic.

it's from the hip.

Ew, just LOOKING at those eggs gives me salmonellosis.

Temecula is gross. oh, and while we're on the subject?

So is patrick pugly FUGLY.

Isn't watching an artist/band you like performing live absolutely thrilling?! =) Patrick Pugly and the glowy green alien eggs make me uncomfortable though.

Cool eggs. Ugly (but cute) dog. Pretty girl/s. Happy girl/s. Wonderful Carolyn! Creepy La Mirada Raisin Man...works for me.

Ok people, this is uncalled for. First off all, those eggs are SUPPOSED to be that color. They are from Ancona chickens, are beautifully naturally colored and low in cholesterol. You should be sad to be so limited by the grocery store's hen-house chickens that are abused until they die. And Temecula does not have wigwams.

Secondly, Matthew, hick-loving, travel-understanding ways aside, you and I are no longer on speaking terms.

I'd say the same thing to Aakanksha, but we don't really talk anyway.

so I can't call you tommorrow for our regularly scheduled wakeup call and morning chat?


Which is perhaps every reason why we should perhaps get onto speaking terms, Cate? ;) It isn't Patrick's fault anyway. I like dogs only from the wolf family (husky, alsatian...)

Oh, I remember my American flatmates raising their eyebrows at the eggs sold here, the way I did 4 years ago. The eggs are brown in colour.

i'm responding because abigal was bitching about me not defending temecula.

oh yeah, i have chickens too. and they laid eggs that color.

and i don't live in a wigwam.

We were writing an article in my advanced composition class and we were making a reference to a town nobody would want to live in to illustrate a point.

We used Temecula.

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