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I mean, that's just like the rules of feminism or something

We were all out to lunch the other day at a new restaurant, some Hawaiian Barbeque place that Jon recommended (he's Hawaiian, he knows his BBQ), silent before a platter of unknown meat slash rice slash slaw slash seafood slash cabbage.

We were silent because we didn't really know where to begin. We were silent because we weren't sure exactly was on this platter. And Matt was sitting there, all eager beaver. Seriously, his chopsticks were poised and ready, hovering above the platter.

We looked at him. He looked at us. "What are you waiting for?" I finally asked. "Eat!"

"Ladies first," he said.

We looked up at him, speechless. More speechless than our Hawaiian-barbeque-awed speechless.

"Are you kidding?" I finally blurted out.

"Seriously. EAT!" Heather said.

And he wouldn't eat.

We're a tough bunch, me and my friends. Some might call us bitches. Some might call us femi-nazis.

But, people, it didn't make sense. We didn't really understand what was going on on that platter. He had, after all, ordered it, and not because we're helpless but because he was helping.

I'm okay with helping. I like helping. I like to help. I'll let a guy hold a door open for me. I'll also hold a door open for a guy. It depends on who is holding more crap, who is closest to the door, who knows the building.

When someone know which meat is which they should eat first. Regardless of gender.

Elle wrote a blog about this a while back. There were a lot of cool comments that have since vanished into blogging air but it was like people came out of the woodwork with their opinions on the subject.

I'm calling you all out.


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I LOVE HAWAIIAN BBQ! Sorry, that comment probably wasn't cool enough. Um... Boys should eat meat because it builds their manly muscles. Women should abstain and instead chew on, but not swallow, leaves of lettuce. Lettuce gnawing provides 100 percent of your daily dainty dose.

Can I go out to dinner with Jon?

This is the perfect example for theonly time you start with the plate! Kidding, ofcourse. I know my meat not. Carrots and peas? Now that's a different story. ;) Hey there, Abigail!

Guess you all don't have opinions. Liars.

I saw the post, saw four (4) comments, and thought, "oh, good, 4 (perhaps completely different) points-of-view on this topi-- what the hell? not one was even borderline relevant!" I feel cheated.

In my sexist (sexy?), gender-role-oriented defense, it was simple courtesy. And you can't break me of it. Because in Texas, when little boys grow up (insert sound of growing up), we are whipped and electroschocked and conditioned and programmed... to let the wimmenfolk go first. Because we are courteous in the South. Not in Houston or Florida, mind you, but the South.

I'm probably a tad more on the traditional/chivalrous/anti-feminist side than Abs might be... but I still agree that Matt should have gone first.

The whole point behind Matt's "wimmenfolk go first" upbringing is to be courteous and respectful to ladies... but if said ladies are unsure of the SOP of Hawaiian bbq, then it's disconcerting and kinda rude to insist that they dig in.

Practicality and the situation itself should outline behavior. Tada.

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