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A rose by any other name

Dan can't remember names.

My mom once asked me if she could email him and name-drop me to get her foot in the door. I told her she could name-drop as much as she wanted, it wouldn't matter.

"Don't you hang out at his house all the time?" she asked.

Yes, I've spent many a lonely moment in his home. He helped me move into my first apartment. He called me once to make sure I had food. He loaned me his garment bag on my first business trip.

Not only is Dan Elle's dad but Dan and I worked in the same office for a year. I used to think that people who said they were bad with names were just lazy. Dan proved me wrong. I've known Dan for almost four years.

I spent my second Easter with Dan today. He called me Annabelle. He called me Gabrielle.

Sometimes, he gets close and calls me Abby.

I hardly notice anymore.

And I lied. I still think people who say they're bad with names are just lazy. I think Dan is an exception. Because he helps me move and he calls to make sure I have food and I know he would remember my name if he could. Besides, I don't think he even notices that he doesn't.


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I just can't relate to people like Dan.

That's so weird.

I CAN! Who needs to drop names? I've now got events, emotions, relationships.

Actually, here's my observation: Dan has a heart of Christ. He is motivated by heart not by intentional manipulation - and this is reflected in his actions.

Servant leadership - cool.

BTW, this is not a judgment on people who remember names. People love to hear their own name spoken. Those who discover the delight in remembering and speaking the name are often also motivated by a heart of Christ.

I have a hard time remembering names too. Well not yours, Clare, but most other people.

I'm usually pretty good with names, but it's not really something I can give someone too hard a time with when I've forgotten my own name. So I have to give people some slack on the name thing.

I pretty much always forget people's names as soon as I meet them, unless there's previous context attached -- but am pretty good the second or third time. I kind of think it's charming that Dan just can't get it. It's definitely his 'thing'. Well, one of them anyway.

I am bad with names, and I am lazy.
In my family we all have three or four, the first few being other family members until they finally get to the right one.
I am stopping by to say hello and I look forward to meeting you at TequilaCon this Saturday.
Hi! *waves*


Good story, Abigail.

Thanks for giving me hope since I'm hopeless about remembering people's names. ;)

That's nothing.

A story:

My mother knocks on the bathroom door: "Who's in there?"

My brother: "Me."

Mom: "Me who?"

Brother: "Jason."

Mom: Long, homeschool mother sigh. "I DON'T HAVE A SON NAMED JASON!!"

Brother: "I mean JUSTIN! Justin."

You know Abigail, I never forget names or faces. And especially, which face goes with which name. Even if it is someone I spoke to for a total of 60s in my life. See, I'll never forget you. ;)

Shepherd, guess who is catching Belle & Sebastian perform this June?? =)

You know, I waited all day for someone to quote Cooper Neilson. You all disappoint me. Especially you, Heather Nicole.

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