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Obligatory Yos Photo Update Post

We're sitting in the Winter Club Room of the Ahwahnee Hotel. Matt insists on pronouncing it Ahh-wahh-hahn-hhee. Heather and I think this is run off of the fact that he SIGHS in his sleep ALL NIGHT LONG. Also, he's not cold in the tent.

Me? I'm cold at night, folks. I'm not gonna lie, it's rough. But I make it through until sunrise and then I get out and go exploring. For hours. Then I come back and make coffee. I was so excited this morning when I slept in until 5:43 a.m.

I'm really happy. We're having a ton of fun, taking a ton of pictures, kicking ass and taking names. (But not taking anything that belongs to Mother Nature or the Park or the Government. I swear.)

I uploaded a ton of pictures. Then I gave them all captions. Then Flickr told me to shove it. I said, "bitch, please." Flickr said, "don't use that language in the hallowed halls of the Ahwahnee Hotel." And then it promptly cut a deal with the wireless here and stopped working.

So, there are a few pictures. You can see a few more over on Matt's blog. We're having fun. And we've probably talked about every single one of you.

Oh, and Amanda Mae gets the prize for calling us on Friday and giving us a send off. And also, if you called since then, I haven't checked my messages. So maybe you're cool too.

We're going to go climb a mountain now, see ya later.


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» I might come back with I [heart] Yosemite pajama pants from My Life According to Me
So, we're sitting the great room in the Ahwahnee, stealing wireless internet, reading books, and pretending to be guests when some Japanese photographers asked us to be on Japanese TV. So, now we'll be on some travel show on the... [Read More]



I called to wish you off, too. Who is this "Amanda" person, WHO I DO NOT EVEN KNOW. For all we know she doesn't even exist.


Tell me more about the Ahwahnee!!! You know momma loves the Ahwahnee.

Isn't it the coolest place?

Ooooh! So good to know you're having an amazing time.

Yes, Yes I am green with envy. Four weeks into uni and I'm ready to run far away on a holiday.

But, you missed out on The Commonwealth Games (The closing ceremony was magnificent)!!

PS: Glad you guys are having fun!

I've been following your Yosemite chronicles (pre and during) with interest, as I live at the gateway to Yosemite but have never been there. And why not? Because having spent the first half of my life in a bush house, sans electricity and running water, I fail to see the glamour and appeal of "roughing it" in the great outdoors. I have no interest in camping (much to my husband's disappointment). I pay good money to own a nice warm house with a TV and DVD player, plus Starbucks less than a mile away. Half Dome? To me, that's just the size of my rear end after the second half of my life being spent lounging on a couch, eating chocolate, and mocking people who go out and freeze in the wilderness ON PURPOSE. Haha. Suckers!!

PS I'm glad it's fun for you, though.

shepherd, please.

you returned a phone call, there was no grandsendoffphonecall like you say.

i'm gonna have to call bullshit.

Dang. I was afraid someone might call my bluff. You're totally right.

For the record:

Shepherd, that comment was from Matt, who was using my computer.

Also, Abigail's blog bewitches my computer and makes that damn cactus rat my default homepage link, and Matt meant to link to the same picture you did. Which I thought was funny.

That's all.

It's like one mind.

Hi, Deb. Lurk much?

I'll have you know we had a great time visiting Yosemite this weekend. I think I must disagree about Visalia being the gateway to the Yose, but, hey, I'm willing to discuss it. Also, not only did I manage to sleep more than in past weeks, we watched enough DVDs to cancel out the sleeping-in-a-tent-situation.


Shepherd, please. I said you looked like Ben McKenzie, do not repay my kindness with scorn and deceit.

abs, I look forward to
"Booze, Babes, and Bair Bait '07", formerly known as "Booze and Tents '07"... of course that might have been "Booze and Tense '07".

Amanda Mae:

Sorry. I love you.

Matt: Ahem. I only lurk much on the blogs of ABIGAIL and IHEARTHEATHER because I think they are funny and cool, sort of like I was a long time ago.

As for Visalia being the gateway to Yosemite, I only know what they told me when I moved here. "It's not just a podunk ag city," they said. Visalia is also apparently the gateway to the Sequoias, Hume Lake, and some other things that I can't remember.

You're right, Deb. It also smells like cow.

Abigail, Matt and IHEARTHeather! Guess who's going to the Ahwahnee Thursday???? Your grandmother!


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