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My Week in Pictures

I spent a lot of time in my car this week. When I'm in my car, especially when I'm alone in my car, I take a lot of pictures. Also, I think a lot. The thinking gets me in trouble sometimes.

California Winter
California Winter


Los Angeles, I'm Yours (For Now)
Los Angeles, I'm Yours (for now)


And then, there was all the things I did with Heather.

Courthouse Scene
Courthouse Scene
Here on the right we have a high-profile defendant leaving the courthouse after another grueling day on trial. On the left we have a fan who is thrilled to get her 15 seconds of fame on my blog.

She's such a hard worker
Hard at work

The reason we bring our camera grocery shopping
The reason we bring our camera grocery shopping
And we would have bought these balloons if they didn't cost $10 each.

Being my favorite holiday, I feel it necessary to spread the joy. Since blog-locals Matt and Sally's respective Starbucks are a bit out of reach (although, Matt, we did check to see if you were working, that's how much we love to spread the joy) we descended upon our local Starbucks with festive St. Paddy hats.
Why yes, we did gift those hats

And then there was that time I got sick
And then I got sick

May Cause Blurred Vision

And of course, the
BUTTER update: 2.3 lbs
BUTTER update


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I must tell you, Abs, that I love your week in pictures ALWAYS! =)

May cause blurred vision is an very clever picture. :)

Tell me when I should use "a" and when I should use "an." I seem to have forgotten.

heather anne... what was clever about that picture? It was just a boring, in focus, medicine bottle label.

Why, what did YOU see?

O'Schill, good pictures, as always. I finally looked at the CD of pictures (broken CD drive + work, sleep, work = no pictures), and I must say: spectacular.

The silhouette of business cat still gives me chills. In a good way.

and look, don't worry about the 2.3 pounds of butter left. We'll be using it all for cooking/snacking in The Yose.

matt, speaking of cooking, i want bear for breakfast. can you take care of that?

What? You pay to get blurry vision?

I'm jealous of the Dig.

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