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Long Story Short

You're obsessed with finding a new brain
But what you need is a new body
It feels your brain has lived a thousand lives before
And the skin you call your home
Holds a heart that quits and knees that buckle in
And lungs that can't breathe when they're alone

My body and I don't really get along. We never really have. I get sick every five months or so. It just happens. I work hard and play hard and my body says quit it.

Finally, my body wins out. It's never convenient. It's never fun.

And I wait for it. I'm always waiting for it looming around the corner.

We were in a movie Friday night and I started to feel the tickle at the back of my throat. I made a deal with myself to make it to Monday and then I would relax. And I did it. I didn't start dying until Sunday night.

The great thing about having a real job is that they pay you to be sick. It's amazing. So today I didn't feel the usual guilt about not working and I didn't start to feel the suffocation of what-if-I-don't-make-rent because I was getting paid to lay at home and blow my nose. Every ten seconds. This is just another of the countless ways that having a steady job has changed my life.

And while I sat at home blowing my nose, whining, and all around pitying myself, I got some laundry done, I powered through some of Dawson's Creek, and I even made another cake for the house.

I loathe being sick, but sometimes it seems it's the only way my body can get me to slow down. And I hate having that conversation with myself.

EDIT: Gross oversight: I listenened to Dooce's Podcast from SXSW. I love her.


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wait, you can make deals with your body?!?!

all this time i've been dealing directly with satan.


My dealings with my body generally go like this:

Me: Body, do you want to exercise?

Body: No. I want beer.

Me: Okay.

i think the boys are funny

When you said "power through," were you thinking of the time Joey and Rachel wanted to have sex but kept messing up ... so Rachel decided to just "power through" it? And then she "kneed him in the misters"?

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