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The Weekend By Numbers

492: miles driven
2: people hitched on february 25, 2006
0: times I cried
227: pictures taken in 28 hours
110: miles per hour I was driving when I told Matt he had to stop talking so that I could concentrate on slowing down
20: feet of visibility on the 126
67.44: dollars spent on gas
7: people I knew at the wedding
12: covert-op pictures taken of people who were wearing questionable clothing and/or hair
5: times I called Heather
23: times I had to tell Matt to stop yelling while I was on the phone
13: stellar ideas I've got cookin' for Alisa's wedding
3.25: dollars spent on coffee
6: CHP officers we saw and/or passed last night
1: CHP officers with whom we exchanged pleasant conversation
1: times I asked Matt to never be one of these tight-ass cops
3: books I read about New York (state flower: rose; bird: bluebird; bordering states: you name 'em!)
5: the california state highway that deceived us not once, not twice, but three times
126, 60, 605: the california state highways that were there for us when we needed them
4: discussions regarding the redness of my face, only one of them related to blushing
1: business cat car companion
7: Honeycutt's who opened their home to us and fed us and entertained us and all around provided a good time (even for those who needed to sleep off the wedding wine)
4: batteries we used taking all the pictures
1: times I checked my email in 28 hours
84: songs listened to in the car
4: bugs killed by the windshield
492: conversations about nothing
492: conversations about everything



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just 4 bugs? Your windshield has a very low efficiency, perhaps 0.01%. tsk tsk. That just won't do.

Glad you had a fun trip Abs! =)

13: Number of pictures I took of my (clothed) ass by accident that day during WJI.

0: Covert-op photos of bad clothing / hair that you showed us.

More than 0: Number of covert-op photos you SHOULD show us.

Speaking of asses, Shepherd, I finally got some pictures of Matt (not Matt's) to challenge those pictures you emailed me a while back. Post pending? Very yes.

The reason why I didn't post more pictures is because:

a. They're mostly of business cat. I'm not going to lie.
b. I feel really badly posting the covert-op pictures because those people could be reading my blog.
c. The groom reads my blog.
d. The bride asked me to blog about the wedding. I said, "very no."
e. The photo-editing required is a little too much for my poor, road-weathered body to handle.

i can't decide if you only spending $3.25 on coffee impresses me, or makes me think i dont even know you anymore.

Bitch, please.

You should be impressed with our ability to stay fueled with coffee (best coffee: the hand-roasted stuff we had) without having to pay for it.

11: times I saw bugs coming and avoided them.

100: % that I am excited to see what Abigail does with Alisa's wedding.

4: times we had to stop taking pictures to upload them off the camera.

6: winks from the groom to me. or maybe not to me.

3: U-turns made in the Nipomo area to make sure we didn't miss the turn in the fog.

17: number of pictures abigail took from the dashboard (upside-down included) before she was satisfied.

340: number of Metric pictures we took before they were legible.

6,004: number of "clicks" the camera made after we stuck it out the window in the fog.

good post, abigail.

Great post, but such a serious picture. I'd peg you two as FBI, for sure!

Juls, we're with Langley, but yes, very yes.

I can neither confirm nor deny.

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