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The Friday-Still-Needs-A- Name-Question Day

Q: Would you ever smoke pot?

A: Very yes.

What? Is that not a good enough answer?

My 9-year-old self: Are you kidding? I didn't know about drugs or sex or boys or anything really. Sure, I could type 40 wpm and write personal checks but we didn't even have a D.A.R.E. program.

My 16-year-old self: Hell, no. I mean, heck! Heck, no! If I smoke pot I'll go to hell--I mean heck! And also, probably die or, worse! not go to college.

My 19-year-old self: Sounds cool. Don't tell anyone I think that though.

My 21-year-old self:


So, there's that. Out in the open for the authorities to knock down my door and find me clean. At least for now.

Some day, when I'm not worried that posting about this will end him in jail, I'll talk about my brother, the provider.

Keep the questions coming.


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Question: Do I need to participate in this discussion?

The silence is deafening... did you freak the world of La Mirada out?

nah. we're just too stoned to come to our keyboards.

Keep up the Q&A, Mary Jane. It's fun.

I was gonna comment, but I was too busy talking with my business cat.

marzipan this fine should be illegal.

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