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My Week in Pictures

This picture pretty much sums up the story of my life

We blog. And also kick ass.
(Left to right: Heather Dodds of Heather Nicole, Me of Me, Matt Langford of Swiftly Tilting, and Ryan Schaffner of Such is Life.)

Be afraid.

In this household we make the men cook.

Heather and I climbing a tree in our matching gray fleeces. (This is the tame picture.)

A look into me and my computer. We're close.

If these pictures don't say "101 Things To Do Before You Die" I don't know what does.


It was a really good week.


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look at those game faces!

that cooking picture is me and Shaft kicking ass and taking names in the kitchen. We make a mean french-bread-french-toast. yum.

did you guys embroider those names on your aprons when you were done with breakfast?

Nothing beats tree climbing, except for tree climbing at night. I have climbed a tree once. It was short. I'm pretty certain it wasn't a plant.

The second pic is scary, except for the fellow in the "Life Is Good" Cap. You can tell he is faking it.

@Mr. Wink L.
Could I have some fresh french toasts too? 9am suits me just fine.

I saw Adam Brody and Rachel Bilson tonight, at dinner, in LA and you didn't.

It took everything in my power not to add a "Booyah, bitch!" to the end of that sentence.

(P.S. > it's weird to see Matt when I know Megan.)

I hate all of you, Abigail, YOU you big Friends-taping-see-er, and your stupid friend who got to see Brody and Bilson.

Aakankshaa: That doesn't make sense because you live in Australia.

One day it will, my friend.

that sounded a bit ominous, ace. a little bit like he's gonna turn around and see you standing there behind him holding a kitchen knife and french toast makings.

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