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from The Time Traveler's Wife

"Clare, very few people meet their soul mates at age six. So you gotta pass the time somehow. And Ingrid was very--patient. Overly patient. Willing to put up with odd behavior, in the hope that someday I would shape up and marry her martyred ass. And when somebody is that patient, you have to feel grateful, and then you want to hurt them. Does that make sense?"

"I guess. I mean, no, not to me, but I don't think that way."

Henry sighs. "It's very charming of you to be ignorant of the twisted logic of most relationships. Trust me. When we met I was I wrecked, blasted, and damned, and I am slowly pulling myself together because I can see you are a human being and I would like to be one, too. And I have been trying to do it without you noticing, because I still haven't figured out that all pretense is useless between us."

by Audrey Niffenegger


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best. book. ever.

when abigail was reading this, she'd run up to me every five minutes and say things like, "THEY'RE PLAYING THE STOCK MARKET!" and "IT'S LIKE HE'S 25 ... AND 45 ... AT THE SAME TIME!"

and my response was usually, "yeah. it's time travel ... bitch."

but then she gave the book to me and now i have to be content with whispering my awe into the dark in the middle of the night because abigail won't listen.

Hehe. Be my flatmates, you two! =)

And Heather Anne & Kelly & Jenn!!

its okay, heather. I was skeptical too. FOR ABOUT ONE PAGE.

then it sucked me in, and didn't let go, like that puppy I put into the quicksand.

When I read it, I really just didn't sleep. I was cranky, and tired, and everyone thought I had mono, but it turns out it was just the book.

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