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What You Missed in Church Today

Hunter was there and he is so small. Everybody says he is big for a two-week-old but he's seriously the size of a football. That's how Brian holds him too.

Father Avery did the children's sermon. I was nervous at first; his only prop was a ball and some of those kids can get antsy. But at the point which he described spilt milk as being "enough milk to sail a boat on" he had my attention. Although I can't really remember the lesson. That always happens to me.

Coffee hour was slower than normal. There wasn't any fruit or any of the big donuts. There was a lot of cake though, for some reason. And, as all church cake goes, it was good.

I sat with the Bells for a little while. Melina is 3 months old, Matthew's first birthday was yesterday. They don't have full custody yet of them so I'm praying for that. Also, Matthew has a double ear infection. He can't even crawl yet because his birth mother never took him out of the car seat. He's very cute though and I think he was eye flirting with me when he was dad was giving the auction announcement.

Brendan babysit Autumn. Ashley wondered if Brendan was old enough to babysit, he did, afterall, just turn four. Brian said they could play on the grass as long as Brendan didn't let Autumn go in the street. Ten minutes later Brendan showed up in the Parish hall. Brian and I both looked at him, confused.

His eyes got wide. "I PROMISED I WOULDN'T LET AUTUMN GO IN THE STREET." And he ran back outside.

All Brian heard was "Autumn" and "street" so he ran outside also. Autumn was fine and Brendan promised he wouldn't leave her again.

During the service they prayed for the accolades and Lexie got purple (she was promoted from blue). She was so excited. Pasha was also wearing a tie today. It must have been a clip on, I don't think they make ties that small.

The Andersons asked about you. So did everyone else.


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WOW - that's the sorta post that you had to be there... or have been there... to know everyone...

BUT... my rapid ingestion and assimilation computed the words birthday and cake (thus, deducing the need for cake being the primary catalyst of the deduction process because...

I am trying to get out of my own perspective of "what the world needs now is cake sweet cake" to understand why someone else would change their routine and include cake (once again, needing to find a reason to include cake is way out of my line of reasoning..)...

Thus, the cake (and in my world any cake is great cake)... was a birthday cake!

Have I mentioned how much I love the whale photo?

If not, please allow me to: a lot.

me too. i will also say moi aussi for your french readership because i know they exist.

is that the photo you took on our last trip to "The Happiest Place on Earth, Goddamit!" ? if so, i retract my verbal assault on how long it takes you to take a picture, because it looks hot.

and also, i think shepherd is just relieved that it wasnt a picture of the Haunted Mansion.

it chafes (heh) me greatly that I can't ask questions about the blog.

i will ask, where's the large fishy from? and where are his eyes?


He's from Disneyland, duh.

And his eyes are on the side, duh.

side view.

stop lying abigail.

matt, its our sideyard. we took out the gravel and put in a whale and a moat. it connects to the drainage ditch on lower campus and we just gondola ourselves to and from school.

I take back what I said, Heather's version is cooler. Also, there are underground tunnels but I'm supposed to talk about those.

>> and also, i think shepherd is just relieved that it wasnt a picture of the Haunted Mansion.


Shepherd, are you just mad because you're a chicken?

Pardon me while I go curl up in the corner and suck my thumb.

Who did we ask about along with everyone else? I honestly don't remember.

Or maybe it wasn't me. That would explain it.

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