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Sometimes people have to work late and they can't do anything but work even though they would rather do anything but work. And sometimes the people that they're supposed to do everything else with are really disappointed because I mean, there's the kissing and then all the hanging out.

So, then, during those times, the only thing I can do is call the people who are disappointed and say pizza and beer in the same sentence because really, pizza and beer is almost as good as the kissing and the hanging out with the people who are working.

And sometimes I think that the people who are disappointed forget for a brief moment that they're not doing the kissing or the hanging out with the people who are working.

Then I feel bad for the people who are working because they're working when they'd rather be doing anything else and they're not having pizza and beer and they're not kissing.

And then I think that even though I'm up late way past my bedtime and can't believe I wasted so many hours of my life reading Teen People (Don't worry, Heather and Emily, I won't throw the mag away) that being second best is just as good as being best because I get to make decisions like pizza and beer and besides I would pick kissing too.


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Too hard for recovering from party Aakanksha to get today. Perhaps tommorrow. :)

Pizza, beer, kissing and hanging out is the way to go on a friday evening.

Mmmmm Pizza

Seriously, Abs, what? I got mad around the second paragraph because I couldn't understand what you're saying. I trudged on, determined, but to no avail. Seriously? I was going to leave a meaner comment, but Aakanksha got there first.

You people couldn't track? I loved this entry, and not just because I was there for the pizza and the beer - I like the style of it.

And hey, the TeenPeople was NOT time wasted; next to the OC it was the highlight of the night. That, and Ryan Schaffner taking a quiz wherein he answered a question about being a cheerleading judge.


I followed. I even knew it was Lauren. :-)

And, if I can quote from the dashing blogging baristan, Matt, "That noise was this entire conversation going over my head." I like that line, Matt. Thanks

well said, SalPal.

can we save some pizza/beer/kissing for when i come back?

and do i get to pick who i kiss?

and have you ever seen the snl skit with jennifer garner where jimmy fallon and chris kattan have pizza and beer at their house for this date and they think they'll get to make out with twins that they met on the internet, but it turns out that they're siamese twins and one of them is seriously fugly and has an arm coming out of her head?

because that's what this is all reminding me of ...


Heather, you have the choice of perhaps getting to pick?

How about nudging a cute fella my way?

Aakanksha is right. The distinction must be clear.

You can't have everything.

Oh hail the beauty of the new template!

It is lovely. I am majorly impressed by your formating skills.

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