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My Week in Pictures

Photographic Evidence


In and About Altered States

What about altered states?

More photo graphic evidence. Yes, Heather, I have a planner. And a planner twin.

The View


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Why don't you stop posting photos of delicious food, please, because tonight I have to eat soup that is left over from the Carter administration.

That's really gross, Shepherd.

Like the view!

Can I have the extra planner?

abigail? planner?


now where the hell is collin?


He's always going there when we need him most.

The soup was nasty, THANKS FOR CARING.

dear shepherd,

i think it's safe to say that we all had trouble functioning today because of our sympathy for you and your old soup. i am apparently the first person who had the strength to even bring it up.

what i think everyone reading this blog has been dying to ask but couldn't because of sheer depression on your behalf, is why you had to eat the soup, and also, what kind was it?

also, it could be worse. you could have had to drink the fat.

Let me paint a little picture for you.

A) Shepherd is living with his parents at the moment.

B) Some people think having been a busboy at a restaurant in the 70's makes them master chefs and food experts.

That about sums it up.

Abigail, I like the colourful veggies! Does the green increase the love for the small planner?

Shepherd : Date a girl who cooks tasty food.

I totally ate that chicken and veggies (which were very good) but was definitely not offered a Newcastle.

I feel slighted.

The Newcastle was at the 101 Coffee shop.

Absigails, you need to write about LA... and the LSD fountain. I can't stop thinking about it.

so, i'm looking at the pictures of the stove, and i realized that the nasty-ass brown flowered tile is still happening.

i thought it was going to be re-tiled? is that not going to happen anymore? DO I NEED TO MOVE?

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