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I shall live to see the day

I adore you people. All of you.

I stayed up as late as I could last night and the puffed before I fell asleep. And I slept through the whole night. That's the first night in a week that I've actually stayed asleep. I'm going to the doctor in a couple hours and I should be home free from then on.

Thank you so much for the outpouring of care and concern. I didn't think most people would make it through the whole post, let alone comment and email. Those of you who offered rides to the hospital, thank you. Those of you who offered to sneak me junk food when I'm stuck at the hospital, thank you. Those of you who offered to help with the paperwork, thank you, even though you also wished we had gone last night. Those of you who offered to stay up all night and watch The O.C. and drink espresso, let's still do that. Those of you who left your phone number in the comments section, I think you're just trying to get dates. Those of you who are always complaining about not dating should call the aforementioned people.


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That's awesome.. a heart of gratitude and a great sense of humor!

Oh dating?! Now I wish I had given my number! :'(

And yes, I agree with your mum, you have a great sense of humour, oh and a heart.

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