Hello, and Welcome to the Technical Difficulty That Is My Blog (and My Life)
Me: It's doing something funny.
Andre: Looks at code. What the ...
Me: What? I did the code myself!
Andre: Yeah, I can tell. You're like five deep by the time you get to the actual post.
Me: Five what what?
Andre: You have _two_ divs that are id="alpha"? That's bad.
Me: Wha?
Andre: Things explode when you have two IDs that are the same. Says a lot of other things that don't make sense.
Me: You make it sound so bad.
Andre: I'm a web programmer. This is what I care about.
Me: See, I just mess with it until the end product looks right.
Andre: The problem there is that it only looks right in your browser.
Me: Why is it different in all browsers?
Andre: Microsoft hates other companies, the internet, and their users.
See, it's not my fault.
Ooh, I hear you. Sidebars are tools of the devil! At least you have an Andre to sort things out for you.
ps--It looks fine in my browser too (Safari). :)
Posted by: supine | January 4, 2006 8:36 PM