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Breaking All the Rules

I am poor.

We're calling it a "transitional time." The "transitional time" is the bleak six weeks from when I used up all my student loan money until I get paid for my new job. This has been a hard time for all of us including the Monster who is used to always having at least a half tank of gas in her and me who is used to always having at least a half gallon of ice cream in the freezer.

Now, the "transitional time" doesn't end until Thursday at Midnight and the days (and the nights) are getting bleaker. Until today when I sold some of my books (see how pathetic I am?). I was so excited. I had $30 CASH IN MY HAND.

What did I immediately do?

Well, friends, I went to the grocery store and bought some meat and some bread. And then I cooked the meat and put it in some sauce and then I put the meat sauce on my spaghetti. And then I put butter on the bread and had some salad on the side and I got all that for $7!

It was hard though to be in the grocery store and not buy the usuals. I intentionally left my ID in the car so I wouldn't buy drinks and I intentionally left the twenty in the car so I wouldn't buy cake mix. I prevailed though. And I am so proud.

Also, I wore pajamas to the grocery store and cooked two nights in a row and made, ate, and cleaned up spaghetti sauce while wearing a white shirt.

And now I'm eating ice cream in bed. So sue me.

Please don't sue me. I'm poor.


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what's my secret?

i eat ice cream in bed

Is it ever eaten anywhere else? O_o o_O

"Please don't sue me. I'm poor." I LOL'd for real at that one.

Remember when we HATED MASUGI and you wore pajama pants to class?

So much mileage ...

What's my secret?

I'm afraid of the dark.

AND, I sleep with a night light.

Bitch fight insues. Jay has to get involved.

Shepherd, I'm pretty sure wearing pajama pants to Masugi's class has been the pivotal moment of my adult life.

"Are you looking at me?"

So much mileage.

What's my secret? I stole Jayla's boyfriend after crashing a Jehovah's Witness convention.

It don't matter a thing if you ain't got that SKIN.


What? I thought Abigail wore pajamas EVERYWHERE!

Abigail outgrew that.

Except for when one-eyed crazy men demand that I revoke all journalistic ethic and expect me to wear business casual.

Now, I only wear business casual when getting paid.

I'm delurking. I've never eaten ice cream in bed, I've eaten it in the bath.

Friend, I TOTALLY understand about this...my family had a similar episode for the last two weeks of December.

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