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The Search for Shoes Continues, Unsuccessfully

I hate shoe shopping.

This has absolutely nothing to do with hating shoes. I don't mind shoes. I think they are an important part of every ensemble and a fun way to add a unique twist or to tie in a scarf or belt. (Also, I am making all of this up.)

The problem with shoe shopping is that stores think it's funny to not carry shoes in my size.

I used to go to those fancy stores where they would get out the shoes for you. But this is how it always went:

Me: Could I please see these and these and these in an 11?
Them: Sure, one moment.
They wander into the back. I put those funny sock thingys on all ready to try on the pretty shoes that I have saved a pretty penny to buy.
They return.
They only have one box of shoes.

Them: Um, we didn't have the boots or those brown shoes in 11 or 10. But we were able to find the flats in a 10 narrow. Would you like to try them on?
Me: Sure.
They proceed to maneuver my foot into the small shoe. My toes bend. My arch warps. I start to make "grrruhhh" sounds. Everyone gets embarrassed.
Me: I don't think it fits. Thanks anyway.

When department stores stopped working out I moved on to the chain lo-qual stores and the Maxxes and the Racks. Let me tell you: the Maxxes and the Racks and the chain lo-qual stores might carry shoes in my size but THEY ARE UGLY. Seriously, do people actually wear bright orange pleather heels?

So now I send my pleas out to you, dear readers, where-o-where can I find cute shoes that fit?

Original post up here.


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