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I hear the clock, it's 6 a.m.
I feel so far from where I've been

One of the main reasons I love living off campus is so that I can say things like, "When I lived in the dorms ..." I would, of course, follow that sentence will all my crazy escapades. Escapades like moving benches IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, stalking people I didn't know, copying every CD in the dorm onto my computer, and reading, all the reading.

In about four and a half days I will no longer be "full-time undergrad student." This means that I will start saying things like, "when I was an undergrad." I CANNOT WAIT TO SAY THIS.

My life changed a lot during my time at the university and while my first two years could be defined by staying up all night and finding boys and all the reading my latter years were so completely different. I started working full time and I started living life entirely differently. Better differently but so different from the life of a college student that I felt like the earlier years were another life.

I never knew what to call that time.

I'm not sure what to call this new time now either. In the meantime, I'm going to start rolling out the "when I was an undergrad" stories. Be prepared to be shocked by the escapades.

Original post up here.


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