I've never been one to settle into a long embrace. I don't like candle-lit dinners or rose petals. But I feel it, sometimes, I swear. When we laying on the tennis courts, spring's leaves twisting our hair, and a regular...
Heather Anne asked me some questions (because I bothered her enough about how whine whine whine I don't have anything to blog about). Here are some answers. 1) If you could have tickets to any concert this summer, who would...
I am so in love with you. Last night, I was helping my sister install the booster seat in the dining room (who knew those things needed to be installed?) and we had had a glass of champagne and we...
Sorry I missed your call (again). I'd tell you all my excuses but in an effort to minimize word count (I've been known to be long-winded) let's just say sometimes I lose my phone and sometimes the dog has to...
I saw your wedding invitation last week. I was over at my sister's house watching the kids and my mom called and we were chatting about--get this--chicken salad (and I don't even like chicken salad, but you knew that) and...
I remember the first time we had pears. It was so long ago, when we were still "young." It was right after work and you had loosened your tie and you were clean-shaven for your first big corporate meeting. I...
"Do you ever think about the future?" you ask. I don't know why you asked, you knew you would feel my wrists tense up inside your palms. You held your grip though as I pulled away. I give you a...
Sixty four hours! Seventy three! You're always beating me with the how many hours worked tally. It's all those working plane flights. If I was stuck in a plane I would work too. Except I don't understand how you type...
“When does he leave?” “April.” “And when does he come back?” “2008.” We were sitting very close in the dark because of the cold and because the light switch was out of reach. She was about to start crying again...
I put your picture in a frame on my desk at work today. When the glare isn't hitting it, it looks perfect. Although, when the glare isn't hitting it I can see fingerprints. Not on the glass, but underneath, on...
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