I'm going to go ahead and call it my Epic Birthday Party. On account of: 1. Third year at the same restaurant. 2. Best martinis EVER. 3. I invited WAY too many people. 4. BECAUSE I LOVE TO PARTY. On...
Hi. Can you guess how sunburned I am? It's not Amanda's leprosy but it's bad enough that I can't stop complaining about it. Last night my mom was taking Carolyn and I out to dinner and she suggested we walk....
I wove the library a very lengthy, detailed yarn about how I returned a library book ("Two Saturdays ago! I remember I was on my phone when I did it!") and I swear I did, but here is the book....
Saturday, I took a day trip to San Diego to meet up with Vahid and my college roommate Jeni and her husband B (who she calls B-Town... so maybe I will too). The great things about my friends (at least,...
I've never broken a bone, I avoided impetigo all four times my brother got it (ew), and my most painful memory is being covering in mosquito bites after a woodsy camping trip. Basically, aside from all the immune system breakdowns...
When I start to dwell on the fact that today I am not depressed or the fact that yesterday I was not depressed or the fact that every morning for months I have been excited to see the day, I...
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